Building "serious" scientific applications with RunRev...
Peter Reid
preid at
Fri Nov 8 12:40:01 EST 2002
>This autumn I started my PhD on Colour Imaging Science at the Derby
>University, UK. A requirement at the institute is knowledge of MatLab and
>"C" - MatLab for modeling and C for compiling applications. MatLab I know,
>so that's ok - but now I have to learn "C" on top of all the other things I
>have to do.
>So my question is the following: Could Revolution (since I'm already
>familiar with it and like it!) be a substitute for "C" when developing
>scientific applications? Typical needs would be the ability to read,
>manipulate, display and output different types of image data, Possibility to
>compute Matrix, Fourier and Polynomial algorithms etc.
>I'm also curious to know if any other list members have developed scientific
>applications with RunRev, and in particular - since it's in my line of
>interest - Imaging, Psychophysical, or Colour related applications.
I've used RunRev to produce a data manipulation tool for my wife
carrying out chemistry research at Loughborough University, UK. In
addition, I used RunRev to produce a tool to capture data from an
analytical chemistry instrument (a diode array detector for an HPLC)
and output it in a form suitable for importing into Excel.
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
E-mail: preid at
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