copyrighted Runtime Revolution in MacOSes?

Alex Rice alex at
Fri Nov 8 11:33:01 EST 2002

On Friday, November 8, 2002, at 07:59  AM, Kurt Kaufman wrote:

> You used to be able to adjust that information using ResEdit , but it 
> appears that such changes are ignored when querying the info. under 
> "Jaguar".  Hopefully this will be addressed in an upcoming version of 
> RR.

Where is Jaguar getting the information from, including the (c) Runtime 
Revolution then? I always found the resources information that ResEdit 
exposes to be kind of arcane & never really learned it very well.

Wolfgang and Kurt, until Rev 2.0 you can do a workaround on OS X, which 
involves putting your Rev executable into an .app bundle. If anyone is 
interested I'll email you off list. You could use the bundle I have 
already created, you would just need to copy your executable into 
place, edit a .plist file and perhaps create some icons, or not.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alex_rice at

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