binaryEncode question

Kurt Kaufman kurtkaufman at
Fri May 3 22:13:00 EDT 2002

Thanks to Jeanne DeVoto for her suggestion.  Which brings me to my next 
question (I hope I'm not asking too many!) as to why the following 
script leaves me with an empty (0 bytes) new file (global gBinData 
contains binary data converted from entered Hex bytes using the 
binaryEncode function, but I can't get this to work with plain text, 

on mouseup
   global gBinData
   ask file "enter name of file"
   put it into newFile
   open file newFile for binary write
   write gBinData to file newFile
end mouseup

None of the other permutations I tried have worked.  I'm sure I need a 
dope slap, here. :-)

Any help appreciated!

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