Hot Girls And Wild Horses! (Rev & MX)

Wayne Townsend waynet at
Thu Mar 28 16:55:01 EST 2002

Greetings from Palm Springs,

Interested in communicating with others who develop using Flash MX on 
the client side and Rev on the server side.

I think that this combination of Rev and FlashMX truly gives us the 
tools to build the next level of applications.  We have been working 
for years with Flash4 & Flamethrower, with very good results, and 
have a lot of info to share if you're interested.

Our particular focus is on on-line, real-time, multi-user gaming 
projects, and Educational (LDL/WBT) projects.  These are 
*Community-based, live Web Applications*, not isolated desktop apps.

Now we're full-on to a Rev and MX conversion for our next series of 
multi-user games, and would enjoy posts on the list from other 
developers who are interested in a little focus sub-group of Rev/MX.

The next challenge?  Getting MX to communicate locally with a Rev cgi 
(on the same machine).

That would be a breakthrough.

All the best,


PS:  relax...  play bingo...

Wayne Townsend
Founder, Accesson

waynet at
Alt: waynet at

Studio: Yucca Valley, CA

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