copy or move card?

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Mon Mar 18 05:23:01 EST 2002

At 11:47 PM -0800 3/17/2002, Dar Scott wrote:
>> After copying, go to the destination you want to place the card
>> in, then
>> either choose "Paste Objects" from the Edit menu or use the paste
>> command.
>> The card is pasted into the current stack, after the card you were on.
>On OS X (Revolution 1.1.1 RC1) the style and text size of my labels
>did not copy over.  Is this normal?

It depends on where the text size and style are set. These attributes
inherit through the same chain as messages are (usually) sent, so if you
have set a size and style in the stack, and then copy a card to another
stack, the objects on the card will now show the size and style that's set
for the new stack.

On the other hand, if you copied the card into the same stack, or into a
stack with the same settings, or if the size and style were set directly
for the controls instead of inherited from the stack, then no, that
wouldn't be normal.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

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