Minimizing a stack

Shao Sean shaosean at
Sun Mar 17 20:04:01 EST 2002

i'll answer your questions in reverse so it makes more sense ;-)

> do I detect when a stack is minimized? Is a message sent to the
> stack? (I know that 'resizestack' isn't issued in these circumstances.)
when a stack has been told to minimize the "iconifyStack" message is sent,
when a stack is restored the "uniconifyStack" message is sent

> palette to hang around when the window it controls isn't visible. So...
[this is lifted from the "revMenubar" stack script, but modified to meet
your question]

on iconifyStack
  # this will minimize the stack
  set the iconic of stack "mainDocumentStack" to TRUE
  # this will hide your palette
  set the visible of stack "palette" to FALSE
end iconifyStack

when the user restores the stack

on unIconifyStack
  # this will restore your stack
  set the iconic of stack "mainDocumentStack to FALSE
  # this will show the palette
  set the visible of stack "palette" to TRUE
end unIconifyStack

hope that helps

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