Date Formatting Without System Calls
Rob Cozens
rcozens at
Sun Mar 17 12:44:01 EST 2002
Hi All,
For several years I've used a HyperTalk handler to determine the
current Mac OS date panel settings without the aid of an external
function. Thanks to the addition of the system date function (& I do
mean THANKS, Scott), it is now possible to do the same in Transcript:
function systemDateFormat
put "1999,1,9,0,0,0,0" into testDate
convert testDate to system date
put 2 into characterNumber
repeat while char characterNumber of testDate is in "1,9"
add 1 to characterNumber
end repeat
put char characterNumber of testDate into dateSeparator
put empty into dateFormat
put the itemDelimiter into originalDelim
set the itemDelimiter to dateSeparator
repeat with x = 1 to 3
get item x of testDate
if it > 9 then
if it > 99 then put "y" after dateFormat
put "y"&return after dateFormat
else if it > 1 then
if length(it) > 1 then put "d" after dateFormat
put "d"&return after dateFormat
if length(it) > 1 then put "m" after dateFormat
put "m"&return after dateFormat
end if
end repeat
set the itemDelimiter to originalDelim
return dateFormat&dateSeparator
end systemDateFormat
Discussions regarding the calendar prompted me to realize one can use
the long system date in a similar manner to obtain month & day names:
function systemMonth monthNumber
if monthNumber < 1 or monthNumber > 12 then return empty --no
support for the Hebrew calendar
put "1999,"&monthNumber&",0,0,0,0,0" into testDate
convert testDate to long system date
get word 2 of testDate
if it is a number then return word 3 of testDate else return it --
weak logic??
end systemMonth
function systemDay dayOfWeek -- 0=Sun thru 6=Sat
if dayOfWeek < 0 or dayOfWeek > 6 then return empty
put "2002,3,17,0,0,0,0" into testDate -- a Sunday
convert testDate to seconds
add dayOfWeek * 86400 to testDate -- 86400 = 60*60*24
convert testDate to long system date
get word 1 of testDate
delete char offset(",",it) of it -- can day name have char other
than "," after it?
return it
end systemDay
One of my first "get acquainted with Revolution" projects will be to
convert my HyperTalk & Xstuff libraries to Transcript. Once done, I
will make same available for anyone who can find a use for them, and
these and other date/time functions will be included. I'm posting
these now because the subject arose, and to offer them for comment in
case someone can see a better way. For example, the systemDate
function requires decyphering the returned value to determine date
element order, leading zeroes, full century, and/or date separator.
Rob Cozens, CCW
"Where but America can the person who lost the popular vote become
President without a coup?"
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