Externals/Plug-in newbie question

Judi Smith judis at awana.org
Wed Mar 13 10:40:00 EST 2002

Hi all:

I'm trying to see if I can develop an app that I am planning with 

Issue 1: What I need to do is execute some external code, particularly 
QuickTime calls. The code will basically get and parse a frame of video 
then take the resulting text info and put it into text fields.

Issue 2: Can I control a movie and extract a particular frame of 
QuickTime video - export to say a JPEG file and put that resulting image 
into a container- from within Revolution.

Big question, where do I find out about hooking up external code? I 
couldn't find any references to that topic in Help or on the web site.

Judi Smith
Judi Smith						Awana Clubs International
Multimedia Maven						               1 E Bode Rd.
Ph: 630-540-4570					       Streamwood, IL 60107
Fx: 630-213-2640					         http://www.awana.org
judis at awana.org

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