Convert time in short system time to 24hr military format

David Vaughan drvaughan55 at
Fri Mar 8 03:58:01 EST 2002


Not sure you got an answer to this particular question. To convert the 
selection from 12 to 24 hour time, first convert it to seconds with 
twelveHourTime true, and then set twelveHourTime false and convert the 
seconds back into time.


On Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 05:22 , Steve L wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a drop down selection field that allows the
> user to select a time, that is in "short system time"
> format (being that most people are familiar with that
> format).
> However, once selected I need to convert that time
> selection into 24 hour military time format.
> I tried puting that field into a container then tried
> to covert it via the twelveHourTime set to false, but
> I cannot make it work.
> I believe the problem may be due to the twelveHourTime
> true/false can only be used to set or convert by
> reference of the system time, but not able to set or
> convert a time format that is in a container.
> Any thoughts on how to due this would be greatly
> apreciated.
> Thanks
> Steve L.
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