Transcript - HyperTalk book?

Luciano Ramalho luciano at
Mon Jun 17 18:43:01 EDT 2002

 > I've stumbled onto Revolution and am trying to make sense of it.  I do
 > not have a Hypercard background but from what I can tell, Transcript
 > syntax seems to be closer to HyperTalk than anything else.  Would a
 > HyperTalk book  be the way to go?  Several are available on my local

I used to have quite a few Hypercard books, but by far the best was 
Michael Swaine´s Dr. Dobb's Essential Hypertalk Handbook, at least for 
intermediate/advanced programmers. The best seller was Danny Goodman´s 
book, but most of its content was a language reference (which is always 
more convenient online than on paper). Swaine´s was shorter, but went 
much deeper.

Luciano Ramalho

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