Apple Disc Burner access?

Scott Rossi scott at
Thu Jun 6 12:32:00 EDT 2002

(Apologies if this appears as a duplicate post.)

> Is there anything I can call from within Rev that would permit my
> application to burn data CDs?

It appears that DiscBurner can be scripted so AppleScript looks like the way
to go (which be done from within MC/Rev).


Disc Burner Suite: Terms to control the Disc Burner application

burn: Write data to a writable disc
    burn  a list of disk  -- The disc to burn

erase: Erase a rewritable disc
    erase  a list of disk  -- The disc to erase

quit: Quit the Disc Burner

Class application: Properties of the Proxy Disk application
    name  string  [r/o]  -- the name
    version  version  [r/o]  -- the version of the application
    current disc  disk  [r/o]  -- the disc currently in the CD or DVD disc

Class disk: A disk
Plural form:
    ID  small integer  [r/o]  -- the unique ID of this disc (usually a small
negative number)
    kind  CDROM/CDR/CDRW/Audio CD/DVD/DVDRAM/DVDR/locked disk/hard disk
[r/o]  -- the kind of this disc
    writable  boolean  [r/o]  -- can the disc be written?
    rewritable  boolean  [r/o]  -- can the disc be erased and rewritten?



Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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