Updating Data Substacks
Jan Schenkel
janschenkel at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 12 01:40:01 EDT 2002
--- Dan Shafer <dan at danshafer.com> wrote:
> Ah, I see your plan. Intriguing. So rather than a
> splasher and a
> "traditional" HyperCard-style stack containing UI
> and data, have the
> mainstack be the UI stack which has no data in it
> (and can't be
> updated by default) and then have an invisible stack
> that just stores
> the data card by card. Hmmm. I'll have to ponder
> this. It may be a
> great solution, though.
Were you to take that path, you can easily avoid
import/export schemes by adding new field in your
data-stack via the 'copy/paste' or 'create' schemes.
This means that 'on startUp' you could see if the
file-format-version of your data-stack is lower than
the current in the program-stack, and execute an
upgrade procedure that adds the necessary fields to
the cards in the data-stack.
In the old HC-days, I used a UI/data separation scheme
for a multi-user project. Using the 'request' command
I'd contact a "server" stack running remotely, and
fetch the data I'd display locally.
That worked great and was much more flexible/cheaper
than using a 'true' multi-user database.
I'll stop rambling/reminiscing now :-)
Jan Schenkel.
"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish
at the same time." (De Rochefoucald)
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