Standalones from Old HyperCard Stack

Troy Rollins troy at
Fri Jul 5 15:42:01 EDT 2002

On Friday, July 5, 2002, at 04:32  PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

> It does seem to be stabilizing some, but, boy, it feels like there are 
> a lot of rough edges here. Is this just me? I'm running on OS X, by the 
> way; I have it installed in Win2K and haven't tried building anything 
> there at all since Mac is my native environment. But maybe these are OS 
> X issues and I'd be better off building on Win2K. (I refuse to back to 
> Mac Classic; I'd switch to WIn2K first!)

Well, yes. The "rough edges" are certainly part of the experience. We 
run Rev on OSX and Win98, and it is so on both platforms. It IS getting 
better with each release, and overall it does hold up on most of its 
promises, which is more than I can say for many environments. The OSX 
experience is probably the cleanest of all actually, at least in my 

Probably the worst part is in fact the "window juggling", the numerous 
panels and windows that seem to be all over the place, and never 
reliably "under control". This point has been made extensively on the 
"improve RR list", and I believe it has been heard by the development 
team as an area that needs work.

I think (and hope) that some of those edges are being smoothed, and 
we'll be seeing those improvements soon. In the meantime, while 
  frustrating, RR is able to accomplish some pretty amazing tasks with 
what we already have.
RPSystems, LTD

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