Folder problem

Yves Coppé yvescoppe at
Thu Jul 4 15:14:01 EDT 2002

>put the defaultFolder into the oldDefaultFolder -- if you require this (see
>note 1 below)
>answer folder "WhichOne"
>if (it is not empty) then
>   set the defaultFolder to it
>   if (the number of lines in the files = 0) then
>     #empty folder
>   else
>     #non-empty folder
>   end if
>end if
>note 1:
>storing the old defaultFolder at the beginning of your code allows you to
>reset it at the end so the path that was there before is there again (other
>code may be accessing it after your code and this allows you to be friendly

On mac OS X, I have an empty folder
when I use your script above and take the detailed files in the result I get :


So your script answer "non-empty folder" but in the folder, there is nothing !!

Another idea ?


Email : yvescoppe at

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