Basic Question: Text Field wrapping

Scott Raney raney at
Wed Jan 30 11:38:01 EST 2002

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002  Brent Neal <brent at> wrote:
> >Recently, Brent Neal wrote:
> >
> >>>>  Is there something odd with wrapping in text fields in the OS X version?
> >
> >>>  Does the text have spaces in it?
> >
> >>  No. I just tapped at random keys (i.e. asdfasfdasdf).  Consider
> >>  SimpleText. If you hold down a single key, when it reaches the text
> >>  field width, it starts over on the next line. That shouldn't matter.
> >
> >Unfortunately, wrapping lines of text in MC/REV requires that there be
> >spaces among characters.
> Makes it hard to write a moderately-featured editor, doesn't it?  Oh, well.

Only if you're developing it for monkeys or people with keyboards that
have no spacebars.  I can't think of any reasonable need for this
"feature" otherwise.  If a word needs to break in the middle, even a
"moderately-featured" editor is going to have to hyphenate, or have
the user do it manually, rather than just break the word anywhere.

> Add that to the feature-request list then....

Where this *is* a problem is with languages than don't use spaces,
like Chinese and Japanese (a mitigating factor being that
MetaCard/Revolution doesn't support keyboard input in those languages
at all).  Your odds of getting this feature implemented are pretty
much dependent on couching your request in these terms.

> Brent
> -- 
> Brent Neal
> Geek of all Trades
> "Specialization is for insects" -- Robert A. Heinlein

Scott Raney  raney at
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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