email with applescript from rev

sims sims at
Wed Jan 30 10:37:01 EST 2002

I have tested the following applescript with Outlook Express as the emailer
and it seems to run fine here.

I do not have Outlook or Entourage.

Would anyone who has either/both test this for me?

Thanks in advance!  Send reply to sims at

1. Make button in Rev with script:

on mouseUp
do fld "MSemailer" as  applescript
end mouseUp

2. Place the  following applescript  in fld named "MSemailer" and change
the part:  tell application "Outlook Express" for Entourage and/or Outlook

3. click button and see if a new email, as described, opens...!

set theAttachment to ¬
	(choose file with prompt "Select the file attachment:")

tell application "Outlook Express"
		set the emailDestination to "EMAIL at ISP.COM"
		set emailSubject to "SUBJECT"
		set emailContent to "MESSAGE BODY"
		set draftWindow to make new draft window with properties ¬
			{subject:emailSubject, content:emailContent, 
to recipients:emailDestination } ¬

		make attachment at draftWindow ¬
			with data {file:theAttachment, encoding:binhex}
		--send draftWindow
	on error error_message

		display dialog error_message
	end try
end tell

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       Software - Internet Development - Consulting

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