Menu madness

Klaus kmajor at
Tue Jan 22 05:20:01 EST 2002

Hi Gareth,

> Hello, people
> I've opened a HyperCard stack and foolishly created a menubar group
> on the first card only. I'd like to add the menubar to each card.
> From what I can glean from postings to this group, and
> experimentation, the procedure looks like this:
> 1. open the stack
> 2. Click the disclosure triangle for the stack in the Application
> Overview window
> 3. Click the disclosure triangle for "Cards"
> 4. Click the ID of the first card of the stack
> 5. Scroll down to "Addresses menu" (my menubar group) and double-click
> 6. Click the "Group" tab in the properties window that opens
> 7. Click the "backgroundBehaviour" checkbox and close the window
> 8. To add the menu to an existing card now, go to that card and
> select Object/Place Group/Addresses menu
> However, there are 97 cards in the stack, so this could get
> laborious. Are there any suggestions about doing this in one go?
> -Gareth Jones

write a little script...
(presuming that that group is already placed on the first cd.)

on mouseup
  put the num of cds into anzahl
  repeat with i = 2 to anzahl
        place background "your_bg_name_here" onto card i
  end repeat
end mouseup

Hope that helps...


Klaus Major <kmajor at>
MetaScape GmbH

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