closeRequest with starter-kit?

Klaus Major k_major at
Fri Jan 18 12:18:01 EST 2002

Hi Niklas,

> So I have to check a condition if I should allow the app to
> quit or not. Does anyone have a tip on how you can squeeze
> in the closeRequest handler if you are using the
> starterkit? Problem is I am already using onOpenCard and
> onPreOpenCard so the lines are runnin out, and "pass
> closeStackRequest" can't be in a function or in another
> object it seems (must be in the cardscript). Here's the
> script;
> global sPrefs
> on preOpenCard
>   send "setStuff" to field "setStuff"
> end preOpenCard
> on openCard
>   send "checkReg true" to field "daReg"
> end openCard
> on closeStackRequest
> -- squeeze in a condition, and pass closeStackRequest here
> :)
> end closeStackRequest
> any tip appreciated,
> thanks,
> /Niklas

it looks like you got the StarterKit limitations wrong ?

The limits are 10 statements per script and not 10 lines
all together in one script !

So in your script above there are only 3 (three) statements :-D

So keep on typing :-)

I hope this is happy news to you...

(I also hope that i understood your question right ;-)

May the script be with you...  :-)

Klaus Major
k_major at

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