
Ian Summerfield iansummerfield at
Thu Feb 21 00:05:00 EST 2002

On 20/2/02 2:00 pm, "Robert Presender" <rpresender at>

> Problem 2:
> The ask dialog box (using ask instead of answer) not only doesn't appear using
> the following script but the script only goes as far as 'go stack "a" and the
> stack is opened ok.  If I eliminate ref to 'ask' lines, the script works ok.
> Is the script alright or is this a bug?
> on startUp
> if "x" is in fld "y" of stack "z" then
>   go stack "a"
>   wait 2 seconds
>   ask "what is this?"
>   if it is "OK" then set the visible of stack "a" to false
>   wait 2 seconds
>   set the visible of stack "a" to true
> end if
> end startUp

Maybe stack "a" has a startup/openstack/opencard/etc. handler that calls
"exit to top" therefore aborting the scripts?

Try setting lockmessages to true before doing the go stack "a"

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