Polling the mouse state

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at interisland.net
Wed Feb 20 23:46:00 EST 2002

on 2/20/02 6:50 AM, Jim Hurley at jphurley at jps.net wrote:

> This issue of polling the mouse state continues to crop up. I have
> had to avoid the use of the old HyperCard standby:
> "repeat while the mouse  is down"
I love "repeat while the mouse is down" because it allows me to do a bunch
of mouseDown stuff, then a bunch of mouseUp stuff when the repeat ends, all
in one handler.

I'm working on an HC stack right now that uses it. Never had a problem in
HC, except with the occasional bonk in an idle handler, but NEVER in a
repeat loop.

Does 'grab' and 'mousemove' really have potential response speed problems in
RR/MC? I have some HC stacks I want to convert where a 'hunting' button is
tied to the cursor. This ability is key to the stack's function, no good
without it.

Best regards,
Ken N.

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