1.0 -> 1.1.1 upgrade doc?
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
jeanne at runrev.com
Tue Feb 12 02:46:01 EST 2002
At 9:32 AM -0800 2/11/2002, Mary Vivit wrote:
>Is there a document somewhere that describes the new features of 1.1.1
>and the deprecated features of the 1.0 version?
Take a look at the 1.1 release notes - there's a long list of additions
(and a short list of deletions). I actually don't think anything much has
changed for 1.1.1b1 (other than a lot of bug fixes), though there will be a
couple of changes to the language for b2 (a new dontUseQTEffects property,
ability to specify a starting color in "answer color").
If you have a question about a particular language term, there are also
notes in the Dictionary under each language term that's changed, describing
how it changed and in what version.
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at runrev.com
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
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