sorry but could do this

Chris Livermore chrisliv at
Sun Feb 10 19:43:01 EST 2002

sorry, I have tried to unsubscribe a few times but it does not seem 
to eventuate. I may have changed addresses etc,
Good luck with the program its a beaut.

please unsubscribe me

Chris Livermore
Project Manager
Office for Psychiatric Evaluation and Educational Newmedia
The University of Melbourne
7th Floor Charles Connibere Building
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Parkville VIC 3050 Australia.
phone +61 3 83449737; fax +61 3 83445584
B.Sc., Dip.Biol.Sc., Dip.Prof.Comm (multimedia).
- Medical Multimedia design, web, cd, dvd, video
- Ethnopsychopharmacology research programme
- PANSS and EPS training centre

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