Bug in Creating Distribution

Ian Summerfield iansummerfield at btconnect.com
Sat Feb 9 19:49:00 EST 2002

> Ian, the error is a user break concerning CarbonLib, and you've got a CODE
> resource in that stack which apparently is getting executed when you open
> the stack on a pre-OS-X system, causing the error. Removing the resource
> allows the stack to be opened on 9.x, although the stack itself posts an
> error asking for an application (I haven't looked closely enough at the
> stack to figure out whether this is expected behavior or not). Since you
> didn't mention this resource in either of your problem reports, I'm
> assuming you didn't put it there, so you might try removing that resource
> on your Classic build and see whether that solves the problem.

It's fixed now!  I don't have a clue where that code resource came from,  I
don't recall putting it there.  I removed it from the project with ResEdit
as Revolution wouldn't let me.   It now works as expected.

If anyone has the need for a "keep it up" type utility, which also serves as
a "keep it down" then it's online it's in fixed form.

Thanks to you all for helping.

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