Stack file organisation

Wolfgang M. Bereuter wmb at
Wed Dec 18 08:16:03 EST 2002

On Mittwoch, Dezember 18, 2002, at 04:37  Uhr, Sarah wrote:

> If I use a single interface stack file and a separate data stack file:
> - how easy is it to refer to the data stack when it isn't in the same 
> file? I don't want to be using the full path name every time.
> - the entire set of interface stacks would have to be loaded on 
> startup so memory might become a problem.
> - installation is easier

For my mulit-media apps I have all data+text etc in different stacks. 
With "go card x of stack y in the window of this stack". So for the 
USer it looks like there is only one Window where happens everything.
If I need "anything additional" (like: about his programm) I make a 
substack of the theme-stacks.

* easy for the user to update change/replace a theme-stack(complete 
themes) even by downloading from the net..
* Starting by the flash(main) stack, which is very, very small (one 
card one gif only) is very fast
* no needs to load all other stack to memory, because you can go 
directly in to any other stacks no matter where they are
* splitting it in small theme-stacks you can manage big amount of data 
without a database, without slowing down the speed
* changing between the stack is very fast
* all data is protected with password by rev during the build 
some more...

* changes in the UI (navigation bar menu...) you have to do so many 
times as you have theme-stack.
Maybe you or any other professional scripter here can find a solution 
how to automate this. (I could not...)

* It crashes on MacOs 9.x with the old (rev 1.1.1) engine. Nobody could 
find out (what) is that the real reason for this crashes... So, i 
think, maybe this structure of "go card x of stack y in the window of 
this stack" is the problem...
But this problem should(?) be solved today by 2.0 with the new engine...
(But I had no problems on WIN98/XP and OSX)
* maybe more I have not found out until now

Hope you understand my explication...
If this structure sounds interesting to you, than mail me offline. Ill 
send you a password and an Url for a demo version to see how it 
works!(builded with rev 1.1.1)

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

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INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
..............................., wmb at
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