Create Image, Hide Image

JamesHBeckmann at JamesHBeckmann at
Sat Dec 7 18:15:01 EST 2002

Bear with this new user:

I created a NEW stack, placed one fld "pictfld" and one button "Display" on 
it.  I put the following script into the button:

on mouseUp
  answer file empty
  put it into thisPict
  set the rect of templateimage to the rect of fld pictFld
  set the filename of templateimage to thisPict
  set the lockLoc of templateimage to true
  create image "Holder"
  wait 3 secs
  hide image "Holder"
  send "choose browse tool" to me in 1 tick
end mouseUp

So the script works on the first run, showing the image and hiding the image. 
 Press the button again and the next image does not "hide".  

So I opened the Properties of the button, and then noted on the Editing 
scrolling button that there is an object "Image Holder" that is never killed.

I was under the impression that this use of "create" did not permanently 
store an object.

What can I change?



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