backdrop, revGoURL and mac OS X

Giulio Mastrosanti giulio at
Thu Dec 5 09:36:01 EST 2002

I have a application, with an 800 * 600 size stack and a black backdrop.
In the application there are also some buttons that links to URLs using 

My problem is:

I have  clicked a link button and the browser window has appeared in 
front of my application and the black backdrop:

if I close the browser window I have my application again in front and 
all works fine;

If I click on the stack window the browser window is sent back, I have 
my application again in front and all works fine;

If I click on the black region of the screen, outside the stack, the 
browser window is sent back, but also my application has desappeared 
and I have an empty black screen!

This is happening on Jaguar, on Windows all works fine, at least on XP 
(  the browser window is not sent back clicking anywhere else on the 
screen and I must explicitly close it to make it  disappear ), didn't 
try it on Classic yet.

am I missing something or is a known prioblem?



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