post to authorization form

sims sims at
Sat Aug 31 04:17:01 EDT 2002

>Is it really expecting POST , or is it just a standard http 
>authorization? You might try putting the name and password in the 
>url and see what happens. Use this style:

When I try the method shown above,
I get back <title>You are not authorized to view this page</title>

and from the server:

HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied

>If it is using POST, then you will probably have to examine the html 
>form from your browser to see what data has to be posted.

The form is as follows, I have also tried sending login=sims:password=sims
with the post but with no success (also URLEncoded).

Not sure how to proceed from here...



<FORM ACTION="Login_Validate.asp" METHOD="post">

 <h3>Database Editor Login</h3>
		<TD ALIGN="right">Username:</TD>
		<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="login" size="10" 
		<TD ALIGN="right">Password:</TD>
		<TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password" size="10" 
		<TD align="left">
		  <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Login"></INPUT>

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