VS: VS: Time from the text field?

Klaus Major klaus.major at metascape.org
Fri Aug 30 10:17:02 EDT 2002

Bonjour Yves,

>> just script this:
>> ...
>>   if offset(the system date, line -1 of fld "viestit") is 0 then put 
>> empty into fld "viestit"
>> ...
>> This will just look for a match in the last line of that field.
>> if (that is what you need) then
>>     enjoy_and_be_happy
>> else
>>     drop_another_line ## ;-)
>> end if
> Just a question :
> if you script :
> put system date into tdate
> put last line of fld "viestit" into tLastData
> put offset(tdate, tLastData) into tLine
> if tLine <> 0 then
>    put empty into fld "viestit"
> end if
> It's just the same as you write but with more details.
> My question is : does it make a difference in the speed of the script 
> ???

I am just lazy, so i write as short as possible ;-)

> this sample works on a little data, so the comparison of time 
> consuming in this case will be difficult to test, but on a big file 
> for example, would it be faster to write a script as you do or there 
> would be any difference in time with my script ??

I don't think so, since the important part is the "offset".

That function first collects all necessary info (tDate and tLastdate) 
and THEN
it will be executed. So execution-time only depends on the size of the 

> any idea ?
> -- 
> Greetings.
> Yves COPPE

Au revoir, mon ami...

Klaus Major
klaus.major at metascape.org

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