VS: VS: Time from the text field?

Klaus Major klaus.major at metascape.org
Fri Aug 30 09:39:01 EDT 2002

Hi Esa,

>> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
>> Lähettäjä: Klaus Major [mailto:klaus.major at metascape.org]
>> Lähetetty: 30. elokuuta 2002 17:15
>> Vastaanottaja: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
>> Aihe: Re: VS: Time from the text field?
>> Hi Esa,
>>>> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
>>>> Lähettäjä: Klaus Major [mailto:klaus.major at metascape.org]
>>>> Lähetetty: 30. elokuuta 2002 16:38
>>>> Vastaanottaja: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
>>>> Aihe: Re: Time from the text field?
>>> EsaK
>> i am sorry, but i don't get exactly what you want to achieve...???
> every morning stack chek that text field and get date of the last 
> message.
> If it is oleder than the current day stack clears that text filed.
> if is the same day field is not cleared untill tomorrow when messages 
> dates are one day old.
> EasK

ahhh, i think i have it now ;-)

just script this:

   if offset(the system date, line -1 of fld "viestit") is 0 then put 
empty into fld "viestit"

This will just look for a match in the last line of that field.

if (that is what you need) then
     drop_another_line ## ;-)
end if


Klaus Major
klaus.major at metascape.org

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