Revolution and screen savers, writing real quartz transitions externals

Jim Witte jswitte at
Thu Aug 29 22:35:01 EDT 2002

   This doesn't really have anything to do with Revolution (well maybe), 
but I just poted this to the Apple StudentDev list after enquiring 
about the new 'slideSaver' type that has appeared in Jaguar:

   Wouldn't it would be nice if you could make a nice programming 
language to make them that would go like:

show image "Initial" with visual dissolve 4 seconds for 5 seconds
repeat 5
   put random( "dissolve slow", "dissolve", "zoom in very slow") into 
   show image (randomImageNotShown()) with visual visEffect for (random 
3) seconds
end repeat
repeat 5
if (random(1)) -- 0-based random function
   show image (randomImage()) with visual dissolve slow and 
shrinkTransition to randomPoint() for (4+random(2)) seconds
   show image (randomImage()) with visual dissolve and expandTransition 
from randomPoint()
end if
end repeat

(Can you tell I like HyperTalk/Transcript?)

   Kinda like the new Smart Playlists.  "(Extra) Smart ScreenSavers.."

(More to the point of a Revolution list:)
   This raises a question that relates more to Revolution: would it be 
possible to write externals that could do Quarz transitions between 
cards like this? (translucency dragging of elements, image warping 
effects a là the Genie effect, scaling, etc)  The actual interface 
elements of a revolution stack I assume are rendered either with the 
native controls of the OS and Quarz or Quickdraw for the graphics.  As 
such, could an external get hold of those data structures to play with 
(or make a copy of them, hide the "original" structures that Rev uses, 
play with their copy, then destroy the copy at the end, and let a Rev 
script move the stack elements around to "match" what the final image 
the external had made?  Does that make *any* sense?


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