Sound recording to aif file - support request

Philip Usher usher at
Thu Aug 29 12:55:01 EDT 2002

on 8/29/02 11:01 AM, Carsten Levin wrote:

> "play audioclip "sounds/myOwnSound"

Assuming your sound file is a valid aif file then,

if you want to play an external aif sound file then:
create a player object... i.e. "player 1"
click on the player tab in the properites palette for player 1 and set the
filepath of the player to the external sound file
to play the sound from a script, use the command "start player 1"


if you want to play a sound imported into the stack then:
import the aif sound (i.e. "my_sound.aif) into the stack using the "Audio
File..." submenu in the "Import As Control" submenu in the "File" menu.
to play the imported sound, use the following command:
play "my_sound.aif"

-- Phil Usher

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