revPrintText function...

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sun Aug 25 01:40:01 EDT 2002

At 11:17 PM -0700 8/24/2002, John wrote:
>In writing a printing handler, I prefer using the revPrintText
>function because it allows the use of the header and footer
>parameters. But, I'm having trouble formatting the textFont and
>textSize attributes. I first place the text into a field where I set
>the font, size, and color. Then, I put the htmlText of that field
>into a variable. When I look at the htmlText I see that it does not
>contain reference to the textFont, textSize, or textColor tags. When
>printed, it seems to print in the system's default settings - not the
>settings that I set for the field. I tried adding the font tags in my
>handler, but it still doesn't print in the font I specified. Is it
>possible to specify the font and size? If so, How?

There's a fourth parameter (undocumented in 1.1.1 because I didn't know
about it) that lets you specify a reference to a field you want to use as
the "base" field for its font attributes. For example, you can use the line

  revPrintText myText,myHeader,myFooter,the long ID of field "My Text"

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

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