If it equals?

Klaus Major k_major at os.surf2000.de
Thu Aug 22 13:39:01 EDT 2002

Hi Ken,

> ...
>     else return "Password not found for user " & userName
> end getPassword
> ** Since we're going to use CRs for the beginning and ending boundaries 
> in a
> full text search, the text to check is bounded by CRs (cr & userData & 
> cr),
> and the regular expression is similarly bounded by crs (\n on both 
> sides).
> Read it as this: "In userData, find the userName and tab preceded by a
> return [\n], followed by one or more characters in a non-greedy way 
> (that
> is, stop when you find the first match - don't go on to find any more
> matches) [.*?], followed by another return [\n], and then return the 
> value
> you find from the tab to the return character [the parentheses 
> in "(.*?)"].
> Am I the only one that sees these regular expressions as cool?  :-)

Let me put it this way:

You are one of the few persons who know what going on here with
the regex-thing ;-)

Anyone to write a understandable introduction to regex ?

This IS powerful, but not TOO easy...

> Ken Ray


Klaus Major
k_major at os.surf2000.de

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