Wired HC Article

Dan Shafer dan at danshafer.com
Thu Aug 15 21:22:01 EDT 2002

Rod McCall wrote:

>Firstly I think its time we made some comments. Initially we have 
>had excellent feedback in relation to the usability of Revolution. 
>Indeed many reviews in websites, magazines and elsewhere have 
>commented on this subject.

I think that when it is compared to other similar or competitive 
products such as SuperCard, REALBasic, and MetaCard, RR's UI and user 
experience are absolutely wonderful. For me, there are not a lot of 
things I would like to see changed (and I suspect that as I gain more 
experience, this list will grow even smaller!).

>However different user groups may have different needs and where 
>possible we will try to address these issues when they arise.

As it should be, but only once the product is established in its 
initial niche, which I think you've chosen quite well.

>As regards pricing we do have a student, teacher and under 18's 
>licence which is only $99.

I didn't know this included "under 18's". Nice touch. Do you just 
take our word for it? (Speaking as an under-18...multiple times!)

>We do review pricing on a regular basis and have NO plans at this 
>stage to alter any of the current licence prices or to offer a 
>"hobbyist" edition.

Good, clear response, and certainly within your marketing rights. I 
do not think it is essential at this point that you undertake this 
effort. It just might be worth considering down the road.

>In general we would have preferred more positive comments on Wired. 
>However I would suspect the main gripe regarding pricing was 
>directed at the professional $995 licence.


>For most people who consider pricing an issue the $299 SBE provides 
>the facilities they need at an affordable price. It is my view that 
>Revolution provides excellent value for money when you take into 
>account the time saved when using it to develop any software 

I completely agree. I intend to fork over the $300 in the near future 
and I figure I've already saved that much.

>Finally, it should be noted that regardless of the comments on Wired 
>the article has resulted in a substantial amount of site traffic and 

That's great! And not unexpected.

>Many thanks for using Revolution and taking the time to read this email.

I'm sure you got this sense, but I for one am grateful as heck to you 
and your team for providing this product. I want you to be successful 
so I can continue to count on it being out there for me to use when I 
want. (I built *three* apps yesterday in less time than it would have 
taken me to learn the editor for a "real" programming language!)

Dan Shafer
Technology Visionary - Technology Assessment - Documentation
"Looking at technology from every angle"
831-392-1127 Voice - 831-401-2531 Fax

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