wired HC article

cowhead at mac.com cowhead at mac.com
Thu Aug 15 11:44:01 EDT 2002

Jim Witte wrote:

>  I'm running a very small business
> reselling items and considering plastic fabrication of Newton parts (a
> small market indeed) and thinking of using Rev to do a customer
> database, but since I don't make all that much profit, it might make
> more since just to learn Excel VB.  I'll probably end up getting a small
> business license, mainly because I already know quite a bit about HC
> scripting and like to mess with computers (geek factor).

Since this is for YOU to use, it doesn't have to look perfect and, most 
important, it doesn't have to be idiot  proof.  Idiot-proofing takes a 
lot of script.  Skip that and life gets waaaay easier.  So I would just 
use the free starter kit for a while.  As outlined in the docs, the 10 
script limit is very easy to expand.  For example, you can have a series 
of buttons called "step1", "step2", "step3" etc.  In step1 button's 
script you can have the line "call step2 of button step2".  Button step2 
has a script that starts "on step2" and includes the line "call step3 of 
button step3"  and so on.  I used metacard this way for years to make 
fairly complex psycholinguistic experiments.  Since only 1 idiot was 
really using them (me) they didn't have to be completely idiot proof and 
it was very easy to just pass the script from button to button this 
way.   So I would start this way, and later, if you decide you really 
need more, plop down the bucks for a small bus license.  I don't see how 
you can argue for a $120 version of this thing when the free one does 
all you need!  The Rev/meta people should perhaps make no other changes 
except to start selling the starter kit  for $90 instead of giving it 
away for free.  If its free, people think it has no value or they feel 
uncomfortable, that they are somehow cheating.  Charge a small price for 
it and you will watch the rave reviews and profits come pouring in.

mark mitchell

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