deleting objects

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Mon Aug 5 01:29:01 EDT 2002

At 11:13 AM -0700 7/29/2002, Steve Messimer wrote:
>I am attempting to trap the deletebutton msg so that I can use the undo
>command to restore certain buttons.
>The script suggested in the documentation doesn't work.
>on deleteButton
>    beep -- the beep does work
>    send "undo" to this card in 1 millisecond
>end deleteButton

It's working here.

Does it work if you use a longer delay? Your machine ought to be as fast as
mine (and it does work on mine), but perhaps there's a timing problem.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

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