search a date

Dan Shafer dan at
Sat Aug 3 13:49:01 EDT 2002

>can someone help me to write a function.
>I have a text in a variable : textToSearch
>each line of the text contains text and numbers
>some lines of the text contains a date in the systemFormat
>(for me in French format : DD/MM/YY)
>I'd like to extract only the dates
>the function should return :
>and this dates are extract from my text
>Note : where a line contains a date, this line contains only a date 
>and no ohter data

Just use the "is a" operator. Read a line of text inside the loop and 
find out if it is a date. If so, add it to your list. Something like:

repeat for i = 1 to the number of lines in foo
   if line i of foo is a date then
     -- add it to your list
   end if
end repeat

>Email : yvescoppe at
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>use-revolution at

Dan Shafer
Writer, Spiritual Student and Teacher
Founder, Fellowship of One Mind, Monterey, CA

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