Open driver?

David Vaughan drvaughan55 at
Sun Apr 28 23:50:01 EDT 2002


Further to my last response, my understanding consistent with my 
experience is that an app does not need to be carbonised to run under 
Classic. Carbonisation allows them to run either under OS X or 9.x as 
you please, but does not present the interface features or additional OS 
functions of a Cocoa app. Cocoa is OS X only. Some other apps I commonly 
use include Nisus, ithink, Data Desk and Analytica. As far as I know, 
none of these is carbonised. In fact, I can even run Resolve which was 
last updated in 1992. I very much doubt that Claris (or Informix who 
even earlier built the WingZ engine on which it was based) were thinking 
about Carbon then.

You may receive a more comprehensive and precise definition from a 
developer on the list.


On Monday, April 29, 2002, at 02:29 , Stephen Barncard wrote:

> Did you say you could run Hypercard in Classic? I thought it wouldn't 
> run at all because it wasn't carbonized!
>> I can run HyperCard in the Classic environment under OS X and 
>> communicate through the USB using a suite of XCMDs, but nothing 
>> directly in OS X yet.
>> regards
>> David
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