links and groups (was Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #360 - 13 msgs)
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
jeanne at
Thu Apr 25 21:00:06 EDT 2002
At 6:21 AM -0700 4/24/2002, Greg Wills wrote:
>I have had a play with grouping (now link in 1.1.1). I don't want the
>text to end up with a line under the text (as is in "set the
>textstyle property to link"). So it does not really solve my problem.
If you set the underlineLinks property to false, it will eliminate the
underline. (Also see the linkColor, visitedLinkColor, and activeLinkColor
if you want to turn off the color changes.) These properties are also
available on the Stack tab in the Properties palette - look on the
left-hand tab, near the bottom of the palette.
>When the clicktext function is used it doesn't solve my problem
>either. As is says in the documentation - "for example, clicking a
>hyphenated word only returns the part of the word that was clicked."
The current docs say "If the textStyle of the clicked text is "group", the
returned value contains the entire text group." ("Link" should be
substituted for "group" in this sentence - the name of the style changed.)
So clicking a piece of linked/grouped text should return the entire text
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development
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