BUG in CONVERT command - or I can't tell the time
Dar Scott
dsc at swcp.com
Mon Apr 22 10:19:01 EDT 2002
On Monday, April 22, 2002, at 05:53 AM, Michael D Mays wrote:
> When it is 12 midnight in Edinburgh (GMT) it is 6:00 PM the day
> before here
> in Dallas (CST) (no daylight savings time).
I haven't been reading my mail well, Michael. When I read Ian's
mail the first time I thought he was complaining that he didn't get
the offset. When I read your's I thought you said he shouldn't.
My cryptic one line response was not up to the job and your
description did well.
> IMO, date and time formats should only be used to display dates
> and times.
> Aside from formatting issues, as illustrated here time and date
> formats have
> 'hidden parameters' such as where (time zone) and when (daylight
> savings
> time) associated with them.
Daylight savings time seems to be applied in an interesting
manner. It seems it is applied if the time is in daylight savings
time at the moment of calculation rather than the time/date being
converted, even for the current year. To do otherwise might be
very hard, especially for future years, when the rules might have
changed even again.
It would be nice if these hidden parameters could optionally be
How does one get the time zone and daylight savings settings?
Dar Scott
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