Message Path (was Re: FunctionKeys)

Dar Scott dsc at
Tue Apr 16 16:46:01 EDT 2002

On Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 03:19 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> MetaCard has groups, which may be used to simulate a
> large portion of background behaviour, and Transcript
> may use it as a keyword for backward compatibility,
> but cards don't belong to a background anymore.
> That's why if a control is not in a 'background'
> group, this group isn't part of the message chain.

Consider this structure:

     button 1
     group A
         group AA
             button 1AA
         button 1A
     background B  (group with background behavior checked)
         button 1B

A little mouseUp handler on each object that logs and passes shows this:

card -- background B -- stack
button 1 -- card -- background B -- stack
button 1AA -- group AA -- group A -- card -- stack
button 1A -- group A -- card -- stack
button 1B -- background B -- card -- stack

(No handlers change scripts to add or delete handlers.)

Both the card and button 1 see the background.  Button 1B sees the 
background in a different order.

But, I expected this:

button 1AA -- group AA -- group A -- card -- background B -- stack
button 1A -- group A -- card -- background B -- stack

Dar Scott

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