Text-to-Speech on Windows
Ken Norris (dialup)
pixelbird at interisland.net
Sun Apr 14 17:14:01 EDT 2002
on 4/13/02 11:31 PM, Barry Levine at themacguy at mac.com wrote:
> A friend of mine who is having software developed for him (not by me nor
> using Rev) mentioned to me that his developer (who has, apparently, done
> a lot of work for IBM) wants to use actual sound files rather than
> text-to-speech. The reasons are:
> 1. The quality of the synthetic speech is not good enough (but he
> doesn't like it on the Mac, either).
> 2. The software to make text-to-speech work on Windows requires the
> developer to virtually re-install Windows on the target machine; even
> then, there are so many factors that can prevent the speech synthesis
> from working on a PC.
My mom has macular degeneration and can't see the computer screen well
enough to see her email, which she regularly gets from the family members.
This means she won't get her mail until someone comes and D/L's it and reads
it to her.
I want to write a RR program that imports the email text and reads it aloud
to her. She's used to this sort of thing from using 'Books on tape' and can
probably do it herself if someone can set the computer to run email from a
single key, and the RR program from another key.
If your friend's developer can show us how to make this happen using real
sound files, he may be able to bank a whole lot of moola in a hurry. I'd
give him $200 right now if he can show me how to make that happen.
Best regards,
Ken N.
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