RR now charging royalties
Eduardo Di Santi
rupertus at netgate.com.uy
Fri Apr 5 14:27:17 EST 2002
I agree !!!.
Turn back or Java back.
Klaus Major escribió:
> Hi all,
> looks like this is going to be a gigantic thread...
> In this mail i want to try to explain the new "installation license"
> thing to me in my own words.
> (I am not a lawyer and i am not native english speaking, so it might
> apply to many RR-users
> and help them understand as well.)
> Please correct me if i am wrong here and there or if i am too naive
> sometimes.
> My aim is to really understand the new license.
> (The points here may not be in the same order as on the RR website)
> Please excuse capitals, i just use them to point out the most important
> things.
> Of course, most of the following is my personal opinion...
> 1.
> "I'm the owner of a previous version of Revolution. How does this
> license affect me?
> We have special policies for existing customers. Please contact
> support at runrev.com"
> The german law is quite clear in this case (even for non-lawyers ;-)
> (I talked to a lawyer the other day. I know him personally, that's
> all ;-)
> After a contract has been signed, the conditions must NOT be changed
> AFTERWARDS, unless
> the partner who wants to change it asks the other partner personally (!)
> and the other partner
> So this is totally illegal according to german law.
> 2.
> Shareware-programmers a poor folks.
> (I created shareware for the mac in my SuperCard days and so i know what
> i am talking about.)
> Almost noone pays for an app that is fully functional.
> So one has to build some clever restrictions that have to be unlocked
> via a license-code. One hell of a work... (Sometimes more work than the
> actual app ;-)
> So it is something completely different compared to retail-software
> developers.
> And they should be treated differently.
> Freeware-authors shouldn't have to pay this fee at all, or the number of
> good (RR-based)
> freeware will soon tend to none...
> 3.
> "Installation of custom software either created in-house or custom
> created by a consultant.
> Depends on your needs and organization size. We can bundle training, new
> tool features and other support options.
> Or we can simply offer you an inexpensive installation license for your
> organization, or multiple organizations.
> Please contact us to discuss your needs."
> This is the part that i definitively do not understand...
> Cannot see the context... (And i really try hard ;-)
> If i develop some cute software and sell it per copy/license, then i am
> responsible
> for support, training etc... and NOT the company who created my
> development-tool.
> One will get support from Adobe (well, probably not... ;-) if Photoshop
> goes nuts and not from
> Metroworks (or whatever tool they use) or am i missing something here ?
> ###snip
> Well, that's it folks.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Again, please correct me if i am wrong or too naive in some points.
> Regards from germany
> Klaus Major
> kmajor at metascape.org
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