Spreadsheet Style Display (.mc to .rev)? Can't open...
Steve L
prodevm at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 5 12:28:00 EST 2002
--- "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at hyperactivesw.com> wrote:
> Does the stack open and then quit? No
>Can you see it at all? NO
>Or does Rev quit before the stack comes on screen?
> I didn't mean that you were compressing the stack, I
> meant that the stack was stored online compressed in
>binhex (hqx)format; on a Mac you'd drop the file onto
>Stuffit Expander to decompress it. I'm sure Windows
>has an equivalent decompressor but I'm not sure what
>it is. What OS are you running?
I am running Windows 98. I have an unzip program to
decompress .zip files, but it does not work on your
stacks, because they are not in .zip format.
> I'll send you the file in email if you like, but I'd
> like to know what the problem is regardless, so that
>I can fix it if necessary. I haven't heard that
>anyone else is having trouble though, and the file
>has had hundreds of downloads.
> Jacqueline Landman Gay |
> jacque at hyperactivesw.com
> HyperActive Software |
> http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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