Displaying Irregularly Shaped Images/Transparency
Klaus Major
kmajor at metascape.org
Tue Apr 2 09:52:01 EST 2002
Hi Malte and all,
> I´ve had the same problem. Sorrowly only the import of a gif 89a seems
> to
> work (you´re limited to 256 colores then) I´m serching for a way to
> import
> images with embedded alpha channel (like psd from Photoshop) perhaps
> anyone
> has an idea? Hope the gif thing helps you a little.
> bye Malte
runtime supports the PNG format.
So just save your PSD-file as PNG and you can use it in runtime.
INCLUDING the alpha-channel, of course :-)
Hope this helps
Klaus Major
kmajor at metascape.org
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