[Use-revolution] Digest use-revolution.v001.n144
use-revolution-errors at www.runrev.com
use-revolution-errors at www.runrev.com
Tue Nov 27 09:28:01 EST 2001
-------------- BEGIN use-revolution.v001.n144 --------------
001 - Lorenz Tschudi <lorenz.ts - image filename crashes Rev. 1.1
002 - "Mark MacKenzie (Shaw)" < - Disappearing Preference
003 - "Mark MacKenzie (Shaw)" < - New Image Library
004 - Scott Rossi <scott at tactil - Re: Re post - Masking graphics
005 - "Jeanne A. E. DeVoto" <je - Re: OpenStacks function
006 - "Sjoerd Op 't Land" <sjoe - Re: OpenStacks function
007 - Matt Denton <matt.denton@ - Version 1.1.1
008 - Troy Rollins <troy at rpsyst - ResetAll, Sockets, and the new FTP
009 - "Chipp Walters" <chipp at ch - Intitialization Error: Can't find Home or Tools Stack
010 - andu <undo at cloud9.net> - Re: ResetAll, Sockets, and the new FTP
011 - "Chipp Walters" <chipp at ch - Player Standalone auto-updates from Web
012 - "Monte Goulding" <monte.g - Networking
This is the Use Revolution mailing list. Use it to
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--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.1 ---------------
From: Lorenz Tschudi <lorenz.tschudi at ggaweb.ch>
Subject: image filename crashes Rev. 1.1
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 13:22:00 +0100
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References: <200111240700.CAA29923 at www.runrev.com>
In-Reply-To: <200111240700.CAA29923 at www.runrev.com>
In a stack I'm using the filename property to reference an image. This
worked in Rev 1.0 without any problems when I used one of the two
following methods:
1) the filename contains a full path to the image file or
2) setting the defaultFolder and the filename contains a relative path to
the image file
Whenever I startup a stack using the second method with Rev 1.1 it will
crash. Since my Rev. 1.0 projects use the relative path method I can't
use Rev 1.1 for development work.
Furthermore the filename cant't be edited anymore in the property palette
(image tab) of Rev 1.1.
Mac G4, Mac OS 9.2.1
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.2 ---------------
From: "Mark MacKenzie (Shaw)" <markmac at shaw.ca>
Subject: Disappearing Preference
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 07:32:04 -0600
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Hi. It seems as if every time I open Revolution to create a new stack or
work on an old one, I have to reset the time for tooltips to appear in main
application's preference list under documentation.
Is this a bug or is it functioning correctly?
The destroystack is set true by default in my environment. Is this wiping
out the main app's preferences (it seems that this particular preference
setting is the only one affected, my image editor and other settings remain
the same unless I have had a major crash).
Regards Mark
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.3 ---------------
From: "Mark MacKenzie (Shaw)" <markmac at shaw.ca>
Subject: New Image Library
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 07:41:59 -0600
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Hello, I keep meaning to ask a question about the image library function.
I think I ought to be able to create a new image library with name of my
choice however, this always results in an error. This happens whether I am
in Rev with no projects open or with one open.
Rev throws an error, highlighting the following area:
. There was an Execution Error at 7:37:37 AM
Error description: Chunk: can't find stack
Revolution User Interface Error: Object: button id 1117 of card id 1002 of
stack "C:/Program Files/Revolution 1.1/components/tools/revimagelibrary.rev"
if the name of stack l is tLibraryName then
Value: mouseUp
with Details of:
Error description: Chunk: can't find stack
if the name of stack l is tLibraryName then
Line: 22 Character: 17
A quick look this morning suggests that this line should read as:
if the name of stack l is in tLibraryName then
Regards Mark
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.4 ---------------
From: Scott Rossi <scott at tactilemedia.com>
Subject: Re: Re post - Masking graphics
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:26:10 -0800
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In-Reply-To: <200111260613.BAA27813 at www.runrev.com>
Recently, Ian Bridges wrote:
> is there a way to clip a picture to a region eg a polygon,
> without assembling an array of masking graphics?
> I would like to be able to change the shape of the mask/clip region and the
> region of the underlying picture that is displayed with script control
The only way I'm aware of will allow rectangular clips only: display your
source image in a group or a button, and then change the group's or button's
rect. I believe there's no built-in way to create oval or irregular masks.
However, a more involved (read: painful) way to do this type of masking
would be to show your image in a separate window and mask the window. On
MacOS you'll need the Odo WDEF and on Windows you'll need Tuviah Snyder's
external collection. Like I said, major effort involved, but possible.
Scott Rossi Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: scott at tactilemedia.com
Web: www.tactilemedia.com
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.5 ---------------
From: "Jeanne A. E. DeVoto" <jeanne at runrev.com>
Subject: Re: OpenStacks function
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 22:15:08 -0800
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In-Reply-To: <200111252138.QAA23785 at www.runrev.com>
At 1:39 PM -0800 11/25/2001, Mark MacKenzie (Shaw) wrote:
>I would like to use the openstacks function however it returns all the
>revolution stacks which swamp everything.
Use the revLoadedStacks function.
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at runrev.com
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.6 ---------------
From: "Sjoerd Op 't Land" <sjoerdoptland at mac.com>
Subject: Re: OpenStacks function
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 21:29:53 +0100
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In-Reply-To: <200111252138.QAA23785 at www.runrev.com>
Mark MacKenzie (Shaw) wrote/ schreef:
> I would like to use the openstacks function however it returns all the
> revolution stacks which swamp everything.
> What is the best way to filter out the revolution program stacks and show
> just the open project stacks?
Maybe just look which stacks start with 'rev'
> Regards Mark
Regards, / Groeten,
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.7 ---------------
From: Matt Denton <matt.denton at limelight.com.au>
Subject: Version 1.1.1
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 07:44:38 +1100
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In-Reply-To: <200111261119.GAA30117 at www.runrev.com>
Dear Rev
Is there going to be a 1.1.1 patch? Next/Prev card and many other
niggly things need fixing in 1.1 desperately (thanks to Geoff for his
post on a quick next/prev fix). I personally would like to see a freeze
on 1.1 feature list and more stability in the package, with a fix to the
most glaring issues first up.
Most of the time I have 'errors' turned off so that I don't get the
frequent Runtime errors appearing during development. It is frustrating
when you are learning (re-learning) a language and you additionally have
to filter out authoring environment errors.
I love using Rev and the amazing work done by Revolution, I guess I just
feel frustrated with the frequent error dialog appearing when it is not
my code and the many inconsistencies still in Rev. 1.1 is definitely
a step up, I guess I'd expected the holy grail at 1.1. All that aside,
I'll continue to enjoy working with this powerful tool. Don't misread
me... you guys are doing a great job and have added tons of features...
I just don't want to have to wait for v2.0 for a stable runtime
M at tt
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.8 ---------------
From: Troy Rollins <troy at rpsystems.net>
Subject: ResetAll, Sockets, and the new FTP
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 21:37:47 -0500
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In the transcript dictionary "ResetAll" claims to close sockets opened by
the FTP function.
Are there additional relationships held by the FTP and sockets functions?
Can one use the openSockets function to get information on the current open
FTP functions?
Does a failed FTP connection trigger a socketError?
Do socketTimeOut and socketTimeOutInterval apply to attempted FTP
Does the FTP function automatically close the socket it uses to make the
transfer? If so, does it send any indication of this, or can you use the
previously mentioned socket functions to develop monitoring routines for it?
Troy Rollins
ph (860)633-2295
fax (801)761-9715
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.9 ---------------
From: "Chipp Walters" <chipp at chipp.com>
Subject: Intitialization Error: Can't find Home or Tools Stack
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 23:53:10 -0600
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In-Reply-To: <200111270238.VAA20791 at www.runrev.com>
I get this message when I launch RR1.1 Win89SE. With an OKAY button which
quits me back to the desktop. I can fix it by reinstalling RR1.1. This is
the 3rd time in 2 days. I don't think I'm doing anything weird, but you
never know!
I checked and the files are where they're supposed to be. Perhaps a simple
file can be exchanged and it will work okay. Any suggestions?
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.10 ---------------
From: andu <undo at cloud9.net>
Subject: Re: ResetAll, Sockets, and the new FTP
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 03:34:35 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <200111270238.VAA20791 at www.runrev.com>
Troy Rollins wrote:
> In the transcript dictionary "ResetAll" claims to close sockets opened by
> the FTP function.
> Are there additional relationships held by the FTP and sockets functions?
Such as?
> Can one use the openSockets function to get information on the current open
> FTP functions?
OpenSockets() only returns the open sockets regardless of which protocol
opened them. If you need the status of a download or upload use
urlStatus() function.
> Does a failed FTP connection trigger a socketError?
Only if the failer is due to a socket error.
> Do socketTimeOut and socketTimeOutInterval apply to attempted FTP
> connections?
SocketTimeoutInterval is the amount of time you are willing to wait for
gaps in data transmition before you get a socketTimeout message. It
defaults to 50000 milliseconds but you can set it to any value you want.
A socketTimeout message doesn't mean a disconnect, just that nothing
came through the pipe in a while.
> Does the FTP function automatically close the socket it uses to make the
No, you can reuse a socket opened to the same server. Servers usually
time-out (close) an unused connection after a while (you get a dialog)
but the library has an internal timeout-disconnect mechanism which
closes the socket after 3 minutes of inactivity.
> transfer? If so, does it send any indication of this, or can you use the
> previously mentioned socket functions to develop monitoring routines for it?
> --
> Troy Rollins
> RPSystems
> www.rpsystems.net
> ph (860)633-2295
> fax (801)761-9715
Regards, Andu
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.11 ---------------
From: "Chipp Walters" <chipp at chipp.com>
Subject: Player Standalone auto-updates from Web
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 03:08:59 -0600
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In-Reply-To: <200111270553.AAA22367 at www.runrev.com>
I've been thinking this could be a really cool thing...a single player
compiled for each platform which downloads from a web server your
application 'stacks'. So, you only have to build a single version of the
stacks and the player launches it from whatever platform it's on. It also
checks to see if a more current version is available of your stack and
updates if available.
So, I wrote one this evening and the source code with directions is
available at:
It already has been tested and works with one of my existing projects. But,
I haven't compiled it for the Mac yet (i don't have one available right
now). If someone does compile it for the Mac, please send me a list of any
problems you may find.
There are a couple of global variables you'll need to set. This isn't
finished, but should be along far enough for those of you who want to try
-Chipp Walters
--------------- MESSAGE use-revolution.v001.n144.12 ---------------
From: "Monte Goulding" <monte.goulding at senet.com.au>
Subject: Networking
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 20:50:18 +1030
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I'm sorry if this is a but out of the realm but as we are all cross platform
I'm setting up a LAN with a Win XP, Win 98 and Mac OS 8.6. I can't see the
shared hard drive on the Mac but I can on the others. All computers are
using the net connection fine.
I'm wondering if anyone knows how to do this with or without third party
Best regards
--------------- END use-revolution.v001.n144 ---------------
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