[Use-revolution] image filename crashes Rev. 1.1

Lorenz Tschudi lorenz.tschudi at ggaweb.ch
Mon Nov 26 07:24:00 EST 2001

In a stack I'm using the filename property to reference an image. This
worked in Rev 1.0 without any problems when I used one of the two
following methods:
1) the filename contains a full path to the image file or
2) setting the defaultFolder and the filename contains a relative path to
the image file

Whenever I startup a stack using the second method with Rev 1.1 it will
crash. Since my Rev. 1.0 projects use the relative path method I can't
use Rev 1.1 for development work. 

Furthermore the filename cant't be edited anymore in the property palette
(image tab) of Rev 1.1.

Mac G4, Mac OS 9.2.1


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