setting the default folder to the folder where the stack is..

Sjoerd Op 't Land sjoerdoptland at
Sun Dec 16 04:03:07 EST 2001

Scott Rossi wrote/ schreef:

> Recently, Sjoerd Op 't Land wrote:
>> So, optimized we'd get:
>> function getFolderFromFilename tFilename
>> set itemDel to "/"
>> return item 1 to -2 of tFilename & "/"
>> end function getFolderFromFilename

> The above could be even shorter:
> function getFolderFromFilename tFilename
> set itemDel to "/";return item 1 to -2 of tFilename & "/"
> end getFolderFromFilename
True, but it doesn't make it faster nor more readable. It still 'counts' for
two lines.

> Also note that the last line should not include the word "function"
Sure. (I wasn't really awake at that moment ;-)

> Regards,
> Scott
Regards, / Groeten,

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