Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Mon Dec 10 12:53:01 EST 2001

At 9:32 PM -0500 12/9/01, Troy Rollins wrote:
>Bennie Warren  wrote:
>> I found and downloaded it. The problem I have is getting it to open in Rev.
>> Am I missing something here?
>I snagged it too, and got the same weird problem. Since I don't use metacard
>and never did - I wasn't sure what to do... But here's what I did...
>Changed the .mc extension to .rev (Rev still wouldn't see it)
>Tried to drop the icon onto Rev's (Rev ignored me)
>Dropped the icon on Internet Explorer's icon (Which promptly opened it in
>Saved the stack in Rev.
>Now it works fine. Go figure.  ;)

I'm assuming it's just a file type issue. Another way around it is to type the following in the message box:

answer file "Choose:";go it

Hit return, and select the file you want to open in the open file dialog.



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