mcStandaloneBuilder b1 posted

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Jul 3 15:15:18 CDT 2011

> For "LiveCode Folder/Bundle" - in the upper region of the Standalone Builder - I had first chosen the Livecode "runtime" folder" where the "standalone" files reside - following in essence the procedure I had used before in the 3.0 MC IDE, namely locating the necessary file "standalone".  Instead we apparently need to choose the complete Livecode folder, but I cannot replicate this now as the Standalone Builder at the moment refuses to build any stacks, there is even no error message when I press button "Build".

Wilhelm, the "LiveCode Folder/Bundle" corresponds to the true LiveCode directory or (on Mac) application bundle. The standalone builder figures out where the runtimes are based on that. this matches the corresponding data in the new "LiveCode" tab of the Preferences window; in fact, if you set it up from Preferences, the new standalone builder will use it.

So all you need to do is pick the folder that was installed by the LiveCode installer into Program Files and the SB should do the rest (bugs notwithstanding).


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